Sat 11 Jan
SUPER ╠╣ot!▐▐❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤▐▐▐▐▐ PRIVATE UNRUSHED AMAZING! ▐▐▐▐▐❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤▐▐ AVAIL NOW! - 24
((🔴🔴🔴🔴 501-725-1242 🔴🔴🔴🔴), Little Rock)
~~~~~FReakY cLaSSy NEW PAIGE!!! **** (((Sexy REDBONE))) ~~~~~~ - 24
♥ ClASSy & SEXy! AlWAYS AvailABLE! 100% InDePeNdEnT! Discreet & DrAmA FREE Baby! Safe & FuN - 22
(Little Rock, HS★DEPLH ♥ BENTON★LR)
stUnNiNg nEw nEw pIcS ~*~*~* hOtT GiRl ___ hOtT SpEcIaLs cAlL NoW - 22
(Little Rock, north little rock)
-:¦:- {{NeW}} -:¦:- ° Magically DELICIOUS Babe °-:¦:- {{WoW}} -:¦:- ((Pick ME!!!)) - 24
(My Place or Yours)
/////NEW ////// -:+:- {{}} -:+:- °M°A °G° I °C° A °L°L°Y ° -:+:- ° D°E °L°I °C° I° O°U ° S°-:+:- - - - 20
(Downtown Little Rock/Broadway)
*HOTTEST Barbie On BackPage ! GREAT GREAT $P3Ci@L ! - 20
(Little Rock, russellville nlr wlr sherwood pb :))
Juicy💦💦and Delicious SnowBunny Ready to Play. Will you be That Lucky Guy Today?💋👯💋👯 - 20
(Little Rock, Little Rock and surrounding areas)
8===> §0FT Br0WN §K¡N👯 (_!_) PURE PA§§¡0N 💏 (_!_) 👯N0 RuSH!!
(Springfield, Springfield In/Outcalls AVAILABLE🌹)
100% REAL HIGH CLASS IM BAILY {{{{$EXY guy $pecial$}}}}}@ 41738094eight2 - 25
(Springfield, $pringfield in& out calls)
Just __ What _ YOU___Need Sassys Last NIght in Town _ Curvy * Skillfull * Always Enjoyable - 34
(Little Rock, in/out lr nrl jax cabot 5/10 t0 5/11)
▃ ▅ ▆ █ ★ *HOT ★———★ NEW★———★ *SEXY* ★ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ • • • RAYNE - 19
(Little Rock, nlr sherwood cabot jville. outcall.)
℅(HoT NEW VidEO) I KnoW y@ll LOVING DIS @$$!!!! Clean & Discreet "I'm tha BEST AT DOIN IT ALL" - 24
(Little Rock, West little rock/Upscale resident)
NEW NUMbER f0r fREAkY liNdSEY***!!SeXy PetitE SwEEt fReak!!*** LetS play!!! - 22
(Little Rock, outcall anywhere incall NLR)
NORTH Little💜 Rock ⚠NO AA'S⚠ 👯 Blue-Eye 💦Blonde💦 👱Hard 🍭Body🏆BEAUTY🏆 214-223-3777🔥 - 23
(Little Rock, North little rock)
Fri 10 Jan
SweeT Lil BarBie Girl for ALL your Wildest Desires... ((GOOD DEALS & DaM GooD T¡Me!! - 25
(Springfield, Guarantee you will love me & our time 2.)
~*•°!~Hi gentleman its cassie & im dying to play with somebody call me baby!!!~°•*~ - 22
(Springfield, springfield, MO and surrounding areas)
Hott*¤°¤* sexy *¤°¤* well reviewed blonde hottie! *¤°¤* SPECIALS Incall - 23
(Springfield, Southside springfield IN & OUT)
Well REVIEWED ❥ ——--——▓►#1 K.C. Kara❤ Barbie doll◄▓----❤Busty Lil VIXEN ————❥ - 25
(Springfield, S-field Outcall/north in call)
ThE PeRfEcT PLaYmaTe *+*OnE Of A KiNd* aMaZiNg* BeAuTiFuL *ExOtIc* ErOtIc VIP $peCiaLz - 26
(Springfield, +*+SoUtHsIdE*SFLD*+*In/OuTcaLLz)
"~ToUcH M" Tŧ M (F L M) SÕ MÅNY CHÕIC S but NÕN LIK M !~" 100 SPCL!!!! - 21
♡ 💅💋💄 ((JaWDR0PP¡NG 😮T0€CURL¡NG.._D.T_..))💄💋 💅 ♡ - 27
(Springfield, Springfield & surrounding areas)
In&out; Calls Provided To All My Older Gentleman, Just Look At My Pics Need I Say More - 35
(Springfield, Springfield Missouri)
▓▒ * ❤.•* L✪✪K *•.❤* ▒▓ •♥•♥• SUPER ★ FREAK •♥•♥•♥▓▒. *❤.•* L✪✪K *•.❤ - - 23
(Little Rock, Markham upscale residential)
★ NeW ★ HoT ★ SeXy ★ BlOnDe ★ WaItInG ★ 4 YoU! ★ Call Now..! ★ LeTs PlAY ToDaY!★ - 21
(Little Rock, Central Arkansas)
*~I//*INTRIGUING ~~ ..EROTIC//! .. SEXY//~~*! .. HOT//`~ ..BLONDE// ***//~~ *~ // - 38
(Little Rock)
*¨¨* DREAM ☆ Girl is back in town *¨¨* [ the MAiN ATTRACTiON ] ØN Dا YØU'LL B HØØKD! - 22
(Little Rock, North Little Rock♥ Upscale Incall)
😍😍TiReD Of FaKeS❓❓🌴🌴 New Exotic Cuban FREAK 🌴 ThiCk & FuNN 💦 ♋💦(Fetish Friendly) - 19
(Little Rock, LITTLE ROCK AR)
**** The Right Choice for fun and a GOOD Time**** - 25
(Little Rock, Little rock and surrounding areas)
The №➊ BlondeBOMBSHELL ...💜100%REAL💜 TOPNOTCH ✘⇗ 💘 H🔥O🔥T 💔 L🔥I🔥K🔥E 💔 F🔥I🔥R🔥E 💘 - 24
: 🍬💗🎠✨ SLIM SEXY BODY 👑💕🐝ℰ❌ℂℒUЅiVℰ🔥👠 √¡ρ Tяεα†mεη† Qv Special🚛🚏💰 🚀☆ 🙈⚓️🎀ⓝⓐⓤⓖⓗⓣⓨ 😈👅💦 - 19
(Little Rock, South West Little Rock Area)
👉👉STOP wasting TIME & $ with the FAKES! 100%real😍 Gorgeous UPscale Ebony 😍❗️❗️❗️ - 19
(Little Rock, wlr)
%#@! GuEsS WhO iS BaCk and FuLl Of EnErGy !@%! - 22
(Little Rock, North little rock and surrounding)
ASIAN ♥ ful l ♥ b0d y ♥ MaSSaGE - 24
(Little Rock, North LR incall only my place)
(Little Rock, lr,nlr private residential incall)
$$$ Call about the Sexy Special $$$*****Five Star Treatment ***** (((( Sexy&Petite; ))))) - 19
(Downtown Little Rock)
bACkPAGE welcomes the NEW sexy PEtitE tEmptiNg JeWel** - 19
(Little Rock, nlr lr conway hs searcy russellville etc)
Upscale EntertaIner!Russelville callto book appointments - 29
(Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Little Rock, Russellville)
★ Discreet incall in Vilonia!! $80 Special! - come play! ★ AVAiL in Vilonia! - 32
(Little Rock, Private incall in vilonia-$80 Special)
❤ A ▓ B ▓ S ▓ O ▓ L ▓ U ▓ T▓ E ▓ L▓ Y ❤ S▓ T▓ U ▓ N ▓ N ▓ I ▓ N ▓ G ❤TWO - 20
(Springfield, springfield can travel)
New ~To ~ Arkansas ~** Want to explore this !***Wild Blonde*** - 20
(Little Rock, Little Rock out calls)
LiKe a Kid In The Candy Store! You will be back for MORE!! SeXy ^Discreet ^Honest & Safe - 22
(Little Rock, Hot Springs*Benton*Bryant*LR*Conway)